
Words of Encouragement Bond Us to Other HD Families

In a recent column, I wrote about the high emotional cost my wife, Jill, and I face by writing a weekly column about her journey being gene-positive for Huntington’s disease (HD). It doesn’t help that our daughter is also gene-positive. Jill wondered if our weekly column was…

Huntington’s Protein Clumps Form Distinct Structures in Nerve Cells

Clumps of protein resulting from HTT mutations, the underlying cause of Huntington’s disease, form distinct structures in different parts of the cell, according to detailed imaging analysis. The findings suggest these clumps form by different mechanisms and may require different therapeutic strategies to block their formation and toxicity that…

‘Congress, Hear Our Plea! Pass the HD Parity!’

Shouting is a fantastic way to get someone’s attention. That’s why I propose we shout to get the attention of the U.S. Congress. Because May is Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month, my wife, Jill, who is gene-positive for Huntington’s disease (HD), came up with a video challenge to raise awareness…

Acceptance of Suffering Can Lead to Transformation

The weather where I live in Maryland has been cold, gray, and rainy lately. A steady diet of warm, sunny weather remains a distant memory. The full glory of spring is on hold, as many trees and flowers have restrained themselves from blossoming into a full palette of colors. Days…