
In Huntington’s Disease, Calcium Overload Leads to Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cell Death

Researchers at Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University investigated the physiological and pathological role of MICU1 (Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake 1), a protein that controls calcium by the mitochondria, a process involved in cell survival. Results suggest that strengthening this protein’s function and inhibiting mitochondrial calcium uptake could be a novel therapeutic approach…

Huntington’s Pathology Seen in Songbirds’ Neuronal and Behavioral Response to HTT Mutation

New Huntington’s research sheds light on the link between the effects of the disease’s underlying mutation on brain structure and function, and consequent behavior anomalies. Studying the gene mutation’s expression in a precise brain area of songbirds, scientists observed how the mutation affects specific neurons and changes behavior, findings that could lead to the…

Huntington’s Care Facility in Georgetown Named a ‘Center of Excellence’ by Huntington’s Disease Society of America

The Huntington Disease Care, Education and Research Center at Georgetown (HDCERC) was recently designated a HDSA Center of Excellence for 2016, a recognition given by the Huntington’s Disease Society of America to facilities taking a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of people with Huntington’s disease, and excelling in the care given patients, the support shown to their…

Huntington’s Disease Therapies May Target Cholesterol Metabolism in Future

Huntington’s disease (HD) patients are known to have a dysregulation of cholesterol metabolism. Now, researchers have shown that manipulation of cholesterol levels in striatal neurons can improve motor deficits in an animal model of Huntington’s. The study, “CYP46A1, the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol degradation, is neuroprotective in Huntington’s…

Huntington’s Research Likely to Benefit from Device Aiding Studies of Neurological Diseases in a Living Animal

Researchers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, led by Dr. Matteo Cornaglia, PhD, have developed a new experimental device that can assist scientists in the analysis of molecular pathway studies related to complex human dysfunctions, such as neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington’s (HD). The device is intended for use with the…

Key Findings in Early Huntington’s Disease May Provide Clues for Research, Help Classify Puzzling Brain Disorders

Researchers have developed a computational cognitive classification method that allows the differentiation of pre-symptomatic Huntington’s disease patients from early onset patients and healthy subjects, an approach that demonstrates promise for classification and prediction of brain disorders. The research paper, “A Computational Cognitive Biomarker for Early-Stage Huntington’s Disease,” was published…