
Novel HD Study Zooms in on Peripheral Immune Dysfunction

A new study entitled “Mutant Huntingtin Does Not Affect the Intrinsic Phenotype of Human Huntington’s Disease T Lymphocytes,” published in PLOS ONE, has revealed important insights into future Huntington’s disease therapies aimed at modulating the peripheral immune system, mainly by targeting hyper-reactive monocytes and macrophages.

Huntington’s Patients Often Also Suffer from Psychiatric Disorders

Psychiatric manifestations develop more often than previously thought in Huntington’s disease prodrome, according to findings of a recent study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry. Moreover, it appears that symptoms also increase with disease severity. Early features of Huntington’s disease can include personality changes, mood swings,…

Huntingtin Protein Study Offers New Insights into Mystery of Huntington’s Disease

University of Buffalo researchers have discovered that Huntingtin protein (Htt) is involved in the transport of Rab proteins, which are essential for normal cell function, a discovery that might lead to a greater understanding of the mechanisms behind Huntington’s disease. The research paper entitled “Huntingtin differentially regulates the axonal transport of a sub-set…

Houston Methodist Calls Attention to Movement Disorders

While moving is normal to healthy people, making even the smallest movements may seem a difficult task for those who suffer from movement disorders such as Huntington’s disease. The Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is spreading awareness about these types of conditions and their proper treatment, the importance of seeking professional help…

Cloud Pharmaceuticals and THERAMetrics Partner to Develop Treatments for Orphan CNS Diseases

Cloud-based drug design and development company, Cloud Pharmaceuticals, Inc., recently announced it has signed with THERAMetrics holding AG to collaborate on breakthrough treatments for orphan central nervous system (CNS) diseases and other indications. This strategic collaboration has as its primary points of interest Huntington’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), progressive supranuclear palsy…