
My Support Network Keeps Me Sane

During college, I always joked with my friends that I would drop out of school to open a bar in Canada (I prefer their healthcare system). MIT was very stressful, and my reaction to unenjoyable situations is to want to escape. Based on…

The Importance of Food, Glorious Food

The last few weeks have been somewhat trying for Jill. She has been plagued with giant hive welts. They cover her arms, legs, and torso. Sometimes her lips or eyes will randomly swell. She jokes, “People pay a whole lot of money to have puffy lips.” She hasn’t been able…

Being a Caregiver Means Being Involved

One of my recent columns was about the Huntington’s Disease Society of America’s annual convention. I participated in a few groups over Zoom because I have to be involved in every step of the journey. We have known about this conference for years because Jill’s mother tries to attend…

The Simple Joy of Taking a Walk

We live in Illinois, where the weather can be unpredictable. Some days we have perfect weather — 70 degrees and sunny — followed immediately by snow. We may not see the sun for days. When we moved here, we quickly discovered that you have to enjoy the beautiful days…

It’s Not About You, Caregivers

I am messy. I’ve always been messy. My desk at work looks like an explosion of papers. I love to read, so it’s not uncommon for my bedroom floor to have books scattered like leaves on the ground on a fall day. I also tend to buy the same product…

Overcoming Denial in the Face of Huntington’s Disease

The Huntington’s Disease Society of America held its annual conference in early June. Like many events these days, it was virtual, which made it super convenient to attend. I watched several sessions, including “Preparing for the Change That Will Come” and “Support Group for Caregivers.” I like to have a…