A Genetic Lottery - a Column by Becky Field

Physical Activity May Help Huntington’s Patients, Review Study Finds

Exercise and physical activity may benefit patients with Huntington’s disease (HD), a new review study shows. The study, “Physical Therapy and Exercise Interventions in Huntington’s Disease: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review,” appeared in the Journal of Huntington’s Disease. Significant research shows that exercise and physical therapy improve the…

Neurofeedback Training Boosts Brain Connections in Huntington’s, Despite Degeneration

Neurofeedback training may increase brain connectivity in patients with Huntington’s disease, possibly improving behavior and movement abnormalities, say British researchers at University College London. Their study, “Stimulating neural plasticity with real-time fMRI neurofeedback in Huntington’s disease: A proof of concept study,” appeared in the journal Human Brain Mapping.