Ana Pamplona, PhD,  —

Ana holds her PhD in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Science and Technology from Lisbon (UNL). She has worked in the T-cell differentiation and Tumor targeting Lab at Instituto de Medicina Molecular, headed by Prof. Bruno Silva-Santos, and has served as a scientific reviewer for the peer-reviewed journal Infection & Immunity.

Articles by Ana Pamplona

Cholesterol-Loaded Nanoparticles Improve Synaptic and Cognitive Function in Huntington’s Disease Model

Cholesterol supply to neurons by nanoparticles can improve neuronal and synaptic dysfunction in Huntington’s disease (HD), providing the missing link between the reduction in brain cholesterol observed in HD mice brains and some of the neuronal abnormalities associated with the disease. These are the results of a study entitled “Cholesterol‐loaded…

Novel HD Study Zooms in on Peripheral Immune Dysfunction

A new study entitled “Mutant Huntingtin Does Not Affect the Intrinsic Phenotype of Human Huntington’s Disease T Lymphocytes,” published in PLOS ONE, has revealed important insights into future Huntington’s disease therapies aimed at modulating the peripheral immune system, mainly by targeting hyper-reactive monocytes and macrophages.

Study Reveals Possible Drug Target For Huntington’s Disease

Researchers from the Scripps Research Institute identified the protein Rhes as a crucial player in neuronal death in the striatum, the brain region responsible for motor and cognitive functions. The study entitled “Ectopic expression of the striatal-enriched GTPase Rhes elicits cerebellar degeneration and an ataxia phenotype in Huntington’s…